EFL/ESL GoZone | BINGOBONGO Learning2025-03-10T23:29:57+09:00
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FUN!book 1 - p.32
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    The EFL/ESL GoZone (by BINGOBONGO Learning was created to let you find any worksheet, video, online game, flashcard set, and more super fast. This allows you to save time when planning lessons while giving you even more options for activities and resources.

    After selecting a specific activity, you can do any of the following:

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    How to search:

    Try searching for specific vocabulary words or topics. The following search terms can help find resources faster. (Searches are not case-sensitive.)

    Use the search terms below to find the worksheet from FUN!book 1 p. 123 and its related activities/resources. (For Phonics Plus Math FUN!book, use Phonics Plus Math or PPM

    FUN!book2 p.123, funbook2 p123, FB2 p123

    Use the following search terms to find resources that include single letters or numbers.

    letterC , letCnumber5, num5

    Use the following search terms to find all worksheets titled "Writing Time" and its related resources/activities.

    writing time

    Use the following search terms to find all worksheets in Level 4 - Unit 6 - Lesson 1 that have the word cake.

    level4 unit6 lesson1 cake ,l4 u6 les1 cake
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