The Janken Song – mp3 song download

Get the single, The Janken Song, and learn how to play rock, scissors, paper. This is a fun and interactive song that kids can sing to learn how to play the famous game called “Janken” in Japanese.

Track: 19
Target Vocab: Let’s play ~, rock, scissors, paper, I win, I lose, it’s a tie
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BINGOBONGO Rock Song: The Janken Song

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This BINGOBONGO song, The Janken Song, teaches kids how to play the Rock, Scissors, Paper game in English. In Japan, the game is called “Janken,” and every kid knows how to play it. This game of chance can be a lifesaver when trying to decide who gets to do something first, and it has been used countless times as a universally accepted deciding factor in resolving the various conflicts that inevitably come up in classroom situations. It’s also a fun little way to teach kids how to be good sports when they win, lose, or tie.


AGO kids ESL free worksheets and flashcards

Don’t miss out on the free BINGOBONGO flashcards and worksheets to go along with the songs for the ultimate English lessons!




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