Sticktionaries | Free download | Verbs 3 Level 1 (FUNbook 4)

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Verb Stickers 3 Level 1: Present-tense form word matching (Use Verb Stickers 3 from FUNbook 4.)

Make stickers a regular part of your EFL/ESL English lesson plans with BINGOBONGO Sticktionaries. Students can collect all 60 stickers and learn something new every time they get new stickers. They’re great for rewarding students, reviewing vocabulary with grammar, and even adding more conversation practice to your lesson plans.

After getting all 60 stickers, download another Sticktionary card and do it again! This download is for BINGOBONGO Sticktionary – Verbs 3 Level 1 for use with BINGOBONGO Verb Stickers 3*

*This product is for the free downloadable Sticktionaries cards. Stickers can be purchased separately here.

Only registered users can download this free product.


BINGOBONGO Sticktionaries turn ESL Stickers into teaching tools!

All teachers know the power that stickers can have in the classroom. Well now you can go one step further and make stickers a regular part of your English lesson plans like workbooks and flashcards. There are tons of great advantages of using ESL stickers in your English lesson which you might not have considered.

How to use BINGOBONGO Sticktionaries:

1. For each student, download and print this Sticktionary card double-sided and laminate. (It’s free to download for registered users.)

2. Purchase one sheet of BINGOBONGO Verbs-3 Stickers per student.

3. Reward students with stickers for good behavior, completed homework, or curriculum achievements.

4. When students get all the stickers on their card, we recommend giving a reward such as a pack of Battle Eggs Pet Cards. After that, it becomes a valuable sticker dictionary that students can use for years and years.

5. (Optional) Give students stickers in random order and reward them when they get 5 stickers in a row in the gray BINGO boxes.

6. After completing a level, students should move on to another Sticktionary card. Even though the stickers may be the same, the target grammar is new and students will always be excited for the new challenges.

Note: You can use Sticktionaries for a fun warm-up or lesson activity using the suggested grammar points on the back of each Sticktionary card. Or you can think of your own original ways to use Sticktionaries in English lesson plans!

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