KEYPOP | Typing, Reading, and Speaking App2024-12-21T09:40:59+09:00


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Typing Level
Typing Stats
Coming soon!
Reading Level
Speaking Words
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Missed Words
Speaking Accuracy
Speaking Stats
Coming soon!
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(Play KeyPOP and ReadPOP without the speaking practice.)
Is mac
Mic Active

You can now use your microphone for AI-powered speaking practice.

Remember to release the button between words!
Customize Vocab List
*Separate with a comma or linebreak.
*Some words may not have audio available in Reading Mode or for hints in the Speaking Challenge.

Your results
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(speaking practice currently not available)

Audio Problem

No audio heard. Try again.

It seems there's a problem with the voice recognition servers. Please refresh the page and try again.

Difficulty Level
Picture hints
Customize Vocab List

*Separate with a comma or linebreak.
*If no audio or picture is available in the asset library, those features will be disabled.
*Only words with 10 characters or less (including spaces/symbols) will be used.
*Changing the vocab may cause the wrong images or audio to be used.

How to play KEYPOP!

KEYPOP is an exciting AI-powered game by BINGOBONGO Learning that rapidly teaches typing, reading, and speaking. A microphone is required for all modes, and a physical keyboard is required for Typing Mode.
1. (Drill Challenge) For the Drill Challenge, you must type the words (Typing Mode) or read the words (Reading Mode). You can get gems and coins in this round, but you can only keep them if you successfully pass the Speaking Challenge.
2. (Speaking Challenge) For the Speaking Challenge, you must say the words or sentences into the microphone. If you are able to read them accurately with satisfactory pronunciation, you can pass the round and keep the gems and coins. To do the speaking challenge, hold down the mic button and speak at a normal volume.*

*KEYPOP is still in development mode and is only available for testing.

*The AI-powered voice recognition software may not recognize some high-pitch voices. In this case, parents or teachers should work together with students to do the Speaking Challenge.
If you experience technical issues, please let us know!


KEYPOPは、BINGOBONGOラーニングによる AIを活用したとても楽しい英語のゲームで、タイピング、リーディング、スピーキングをゲームを通してすばやく学習することができます。
1. (ドリルチャレンジ) ドリルチャレンジでは、単語を入力する (タイピングモード) か、単語を読む (リーディングモード) 必要があります。このラウンドでは宝石とコインを獲得できますが、それらをキープできるのは最後のスピーキングチャレンジに合格した場合のみです。
2. (スピーキングチャレンジ) スピーキングチャレンジでは、単語または文章をマイクに向かって発声する必要があります。正しい発音で正確に読むことができれば、ラウンドに合格して宝石やコインをキープすることができます。

*KEYPOP はまだ開発中のため、

Mic Check

Please click the pop-up to allow access to microphone
Make sure "Hey Siri" is enabled on your device ポップアップをクリックして、マイクへのアクセスを許可してください。

A microphone is required to continue. Please try the following:
1. ウェブページを更新する Click here to refresh
2. Grant access to the microphone if previously blocked
3. Try a different device or microphone

Activate Mic
Check Keyboard
Press the space key to confirm physical keyboard.
Tap the mic button to activate.
Turn it up!

Unmute device and adjust device volume until you can hear the sound.

Hello Mike!
Skip instructions
Speak now...

Now get ready to battle for the gems! Hold the microphone button and say the text. 3...2...1... GO!
Great job! You can keep the gems!

Speaking Challenge!

Hold the button and say each word slowly and clearly.
(Touch the words if you need more practice!)

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