Battle Eggs Deck Level 5/Level 6 Box Set

$ 25

Get this two-deck box set with Battle Decks Level 5 and Level 6 (90 cards total!) and start playing Battle Eggs today! Battle Eggs is the most EGG-citing EFL/ESL card game you’ll ever find that teaches colors, animals, months, shapes, emotions, hobbies, and a whole lot more all in a simple game for ages 3 and up.

Battle Deck Level 5 has words grouped by the following topics: numbers (11 – 20), adjectives, verbs. |Battle Deck Level 2 has 35 words grouped by the following topics: months, ordinal numbers, school supplies, seasons with long vowel sounds. Each deck also has 10 Battle Egg Cards which keep players on the edge of their seats, ready to battle for the chance to get more points! Keep reading below to see the words found in each deck and the rules of Battle Eggs.

For a limited time, any order containing 10 or more Battle Deck Box Sets can get 30% off all Battle Eggs products in the order!

(Offer only valid for orders within Japan. Contact us to get your discount code prior to ordering!)



Battle Eggs Level 5/Level 6 ESL Card Game

Battle Eggs is the ESL card game that everyone wants to play!

Battle Eggs Level 5/Level 6 Box Set continues combining the excitement of collecting Pet Cards with learning English in this popular ESL card game! But now the cards in the battle decks have more points! So bring your Pet Cards to the battle and show the other players how much English you know with Battle Eggs!

Vocabulary List for Battle Eggs Level 5 / Level 6

Vocabulary Words in Battle Deck Level 5

Numbers: eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty

Adjectives 1: bad, big, cheap, cold, expensive, good, hot, long, old, short, small, young

Verbs 1: close,  eat, finish, go, listen, make, need,  say, see, start, study, swim, write

Vocabulary Words in Battle Deck Level 6

Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Ordinal Numbers: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth

School Supplies: pencil, pencil sharpener, marker, eraser, notebook, globe, tape, glue, calculator

Seasons: summer, winter, autumn, spring

New Battle Eggs in Level 5 and Level 5

name alphabattle battle eggs2

Name Alpha-Battle (First Alphabetical Name)

First alphabetical name wins!

  1. Each player draws a Pet Card and says: “My pet’s name starts with D.”
  2. The pet whose name is first in alphabetical order wins. If the first letter is the same for two pets, check the second letter, then the third, and so on.
    *For a tie, draw one more Pet Card.
    *If you draw this card, take another turn after the Pet Battle.

name alphabattle battle eggs

Name Alpha-Battle (Last Alphabetical Name)

Last alphabetical name wins!

  1. Each player draws a Pet Card and says: “My pet’s name starts with D.”
  2. The pet whose name is last in alphabetical order wins. If the first letter is the same for two pets, check the second letter, then the third, and so on.
    *For a tie, draw one more Pet Card.
    *If you draw this card, take another turn after the Pet Battle.

birthday battle eggs

Birthday Battle (Earliest Birthday)

The Pet Card with the earliest birthday wins

1. Each player draws a Pet Card and says: “My pet’s birthday is July first.”

2. The pet with the earliest birthday of the year wins the Pet Battle.

  *For a tie, draw one more Pet Card.
*If you draw this card, take another turn after the Pet Battle.

birthday battle eggs 2

Birthday Battle (Latest Birthday)

The Pet Card with the latest birthday wins

1. Each player draws a Pet Card and says: “My pet’s birthday is July first.”

2. The pet with the latest birthday of the year wins the Pet Battle.

  *For a tie, draw one more Pet Card.
*If you draw this card, take another turn after the Pet Battle.

Battle Eggs is more than just a card game. It’s a learn-through-play tool!

One of the most important elements of learning English is repetition to master new vocabulary, phonics, and spelling. Another key point is to make learning fun and keep students motivated. Battle Eggs was created specifically to do these two things. Best of all, it can be played anywhere with anyone, regardless of English ability, and players will instantly discover their weaknesses and work harder to improve them to prevent losing valuable points in the game. The more they play Battle Eggs, the faster their English ability will improve, leading to increased confidence to communicate in English.

How to play Battle Eggs

The concept of Battle Eggs is incredibly simple. For each player’s turn, draw a card from the Battle Deck in the middle of the table and ask a question about the card to the player on the left. If that player can answer the question, they get to keep the card (and its points).

If the player makes a mistake, however, all players get to have a Pet Battle to win the card. You can read the complete rules here or check out this how-to-play video.

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