Teacher and Customer Reviews of BINGOBONGO Learning

Check out these teacher and customer reviews and see what people are saying about BINGOBONGO Learning!

teacher and customer reviews bingobongo

Our goal is to make the best English teaching materials in the world! These teacher and customer reviews show us that we’re on the right track!

Want to know what people think about BINGOBONGO Learning and our huge selection of English education materials? Then check out the following selection of teacher and customer reviews, and you’ll get a pretty good idea of what people think. These are genuine comments, reviews, or feedback that we’ve received from real teachers, school owners, and customers from all over the world. We are humbled to say the least.

Of course, we always love hearing what people think about our products and how they’re using them in lessons, but we especially love getting constructive feedback from people about how to improve our teaching resources. Thanks to this kind of feedback, we’ve been able to constantly improve the quality of our English curriculum. If you have anything to you would like to add about BINGOBONGO Learning and our products, feel free to send us a message and let us know.

I am really enjoying digging in to the whole curriculum you have built. It is so impressive!! What an incredible achievement.


English school owner (Israel)

I really enjoyed your workshop and have learned a lot. The problem-solving ideas inspired me so much and I was so impressed how hardworking you are!


English teacher (Fukuoka)

I introduced your textbooks and your website to my co-teachers and they were amazed with how your books matched well with our curriculum and our lessons here in our school. Some were challenging, but it did answer some of the needs in our classroom. The way how the difficulty elevates from one chapter to another is remarkable.


International school teacher (Japan)

Thank you all for making such a wonderful course. I’m loving the BINGOBONGO lessons. I just found it yesterday and I’m already trying to figure out ways I will implement it into my lessons.


English teacher

FUNbook 3 is a perfect fit…Thanks for working so hard to make a great idea into a real product.


School Owner/Curriculum Developer

I started using BINGOBONGO FUNbook 1 and it’s definitely worked for our students. Awesome product!


English school owner  (Japan)

The books arrived yesterday. These are the best resource books I’ve found in Japan.


International school teacher

My kindergarten kids are just loving your stuff.  Because of the Coronavirus, I am not able to do a lot of singing and dancing or even writing in my classes at the kindergarten.  So I have been playing your videos, pdf games and flashcards on a TV in the classroom.  It is amazing how much more the kids pay attention to your flashcards.  All eyes are on your work.  Thank you so much. I wish I would have found you guys earlier. I look forward to your new stuff every week.


Kindergarten teacher

 The posters are here! Thank you very much. That was very fast. Wow!!!!! They look great!!! Fantastic.


English school owner

Your material has made my life so much easier.


English teacher

Thanks! Appreciate these materials. I work in a country with little access to supplies. This makes my work much easier.


Missionary English teacher

Thanks a lot! I am doing homeschooling with my four-year-old daughter. She will love these.


Homeschooling mother

Thank you! just make my planning easier.


English teacher

Thank you for such great feedback and reviews, but we’re just getting started!

Thank you to all the teachers and customers who have reviewed our products, given us feedback, and helped us improve our English curriculum and teaching resources. Education is constantly evolving, however, so we’re prepared to continue creating new, innovative tools that teachers can use to save time planning lessons and teach English more effectively.

We’re looking forward to hearing more feedback from everyone. If you have something you’d like to tell us, feel free to email us or send a message to the BINGOBONGO Learning Facebook page.

2020-08-27T14:53:49+09:00Categories: blog, Teacher Resources|
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